

Being a teenager is hard. 

I have found myself coming back to that same conclusion time and time again over my seven long years in the double-digits. The only thing that seems to have helped me get through so far is sharing my experiences with others and realizing that my experiences are much more common than I once thought. That’s why I started this blog, a place to share experiences of all sorts, but especially those that relate to the struggles of “teendom”. 

Throughout high school I’ve taken a variety of classes that expanded my knowledge but the
experiences that I have truly enjoyed learning from come from my many extracurriculars.
I’ve participated in activities from dance, forensics and orchestra, to Arabic and hamboning clubs in addition to various honors societies. In these groups I found ways to connect with people I may not have otherwise met. Through this blog I hope to draw from my wide variety
of experiences to create content fit for any teen, whether they be interested in school, art,
travel, food, or anything else!
