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Slanguage: The First 5 Words You Won't Know When Talking to Teens

Photo Credit Brit + Co Have you ever felt like you have no idea what people around you are saying? I seem to have too many stories about how I misunderstood or just completely misused a word I thought I knew. It's hard enough to keep up with all the words in the English language but when you add all the words being created every day it becomes impossible to keep up with.  In an attempt to educate myself and help out anyone else struggling to communicate with the innovation of our generation I've compiled a list of some of the most confusing slang words.  1. Loud "Oh my God, the other day in English the kid behind me smelled so loud I couldn't believe it." Normally the word "loud" is related to noise. Google defines it as " producing or capable of producing much noise; easily audible,"  and that was the only way I knew how to use the word when I heard a friend speak that sentence. I immediately responded, "Do you have synesthesi

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